32 ways having a pet changes your life (and don’t we know it!)

Man and woman laughing in park with golden retriever
(Image credit: Getty Images)

There's no denying it – having a pet changes your life in so many ways. From making you laugh with their endlessly amusing antics to adding to your to-do list by creating a whole new set of chores that need attending to, life is never the same once you've welcomed an animal into your home.

Just like everything in life, having a pet brings with it a mixed bag of emotions. Some changes can be super positive and enriching, after all, who doesn't want to see their pup's excited face when a bag of the best dog treats gets pulled out of the cupboard or see the joy their kitty gets when you bring home some new cat toys.

But other changes can take a little more getting used to. When it comes to the worst things about owning a cat, dog, or other animal, cleaning up after them is definitely top of the list. And then there are the vet bills, the clothing and furniture that gets scratched or chewed, not to mention all the worry they cause.

Still, most of us pet owners agree that we wouldn't have life any other way. Yes, having an animal around can make life trickier at times, but the unconditional love and joy they offer us make it all worthwhile. Read on to discover more ways that having a pet changes your life...

32 ways having a pet changes your life

1. You fall in love with them instantly

Woman hugging cat

(Image credit: Getty Images)

It's hard to fully understand just how quickly you'll fall in love with your pet until you welcome them into your family. But for most of us, it truly is an almost instantaneous process. Pets teach us what it means to love unconditionally – why else would we choose to stand in the rain while our dog runs around having a great old time or scoop out our cat's litter box for the thousandth time?

2. Your life becomes bigger than just you

Woman kissing guinea pig

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When we live alone, it's easy to get used to doing our own thing and suiting ourselves. After all, there's nobody else to consider. We can eat when we want, go to sleep when we want, and structure our day the way we want to structure it. All of that changes when you get a pet. Suddenly you have to think about things you may not have had to think about before, such as exercising your new buddy, playing with them, and ensuring they're fed on time. Your world becomes bigger, and that's a good thing.

3. Watching them figure life out makes your heart melt

Dog sniffing

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If you've ever watched your feline friend try to figure out how to use a microchip cat flap for the first time or your canine companion try to crack one of the best dog puzzle toys, then you know what it's like to feel your heart melt. Getting to experience our pets figuring out the world around them is one of those amazing feelings that's hard to describe.

4. Pets increase your fitness

Man and dog kayaking

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There are so many ways to workout with your pet – from hiking and swimming to yoga and meditation. Whatever option you choose, pets are brilliant for our physical health and well-being.

5. Play becomes a daily part of your life

Person playing with cat

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Having fun was something that came so easily to most of us as children, but when we become adults, many of us forget how important it is to spend time playing. The good news is that having a pet in the family means regular play sessions are guaranteed. Whether it's whipping out one of the best interactive cat toys and laughing as your kitty races around after a feather teaser wand or having a game of fetch with your pup in the park, being a pet owner guarantees a daily dose of fun.

6. You may experience less stress and anxiety

Woman lying on couch with dog and cat

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There are so many ways that having a pet can lower your stress levels. The National Institute of Health has examined a range of studies and reports that interacting with animals can decrease levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and boost your mood – something that we all need more of in our lives!

7. You feel your life has purpose and meaning

Man and cat

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Having a pet can be a wonderful way of infusing your life with more purpose and meaning. All of a sudden there's someone else that depends on you and that can feel incredibly fulfilling.

8. Pets keep loneliness at bay

Woman with dog and cat

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While there are certain pets that always rank highly when it comes to the best emotional support animal breeds, studies have shown that pretty much any animal has the potential to fill that role – particularly when it comes to reducing loneliness. In a nationwide survey conducted by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (yes, such a place exists!), 80% of pet owners reported that their pets made them feel less lonely.

9. You find yourself becoming more sociable

Group of people with dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Having a pet may just make you more social. We're often drawn to people we consider to be like-minded, and pet ownership is a great starting point for many of us when we're striking up conversations with new people.

10. Helping them, helps you

Woman with pets

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While it may not seem it when you're cleaning out the cat litter box or picking up your dog's poop, helping your pet really does help you. Caring for an animal can help improve your mental health and boost your confidence, it can also support you in introducing new healthy habits (like a daily walk) and improve your self-care.

11. You don't have quite as much money in your bank account as you used to

Man shopping for pet food

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Ouch, this one hurts. But, there's no getting around it – having pets does cost us and you'll definitely notice the difference when it comes to your bank balance. On top of the obvious expenses, like having to buy the best cat food or dog food, there are also flea treatments to consider, toys, and unexpected vet bills.

12. They listen when you need to talk

Man and dog

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Pets are wonderful listeners and they can be a great source of support during hard times. Not only are they non-judgemental, but they won't interrupt and they're not going to jump in with potential solutions to whatever problem it is we may be facing. If you're looking for a quiet and compassionate listening ear, a pet can be a great choice.

13. Your pet's schedule is now your schedule

Cat jumping up on person holding tin of food

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When you have a pet, your life is definitely no longer your own. Whether you were hoping for a lazy lie-in on a Sunday morning or you've just sat down on the couch to read a book or watch a film, you're likely familiar with the scenario of a little furry face suddenly appearing beside you. "Feed me." "Walk me." "Play with me." The demands are endless. And it's no different if you have a fish, a bird, or a hamster – they still need daily care. Welcome a pet into your home and their schedule quickly becomes your schedule!

14. You might develop a stronger immune system

Sick woman with dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Multiple studies have shown that having a pet may give our immune system a boost. A study published in Psychological Reports revealed that petting a dog increases salivary levels of IgA, an immune antibody that's a key player in our immune defense. Another study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology showed that early life exposure to any pet is associated with a decreased risk of developing eczema.

15. Boredom is a thing of the past

Woman and bird

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There's certainly no chance of being bored when you have an animal in the house! Pets tend to keep us super busy, whether it's exercising them, playing with them, or cleaning up after them, there's always something to do.

16. You become more responsible

Cleaning litter box

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When you welcome a pet into your family, you're committing to being responsible for them for the rest of their life. This includes meeting all of their needs, protecting them, and ensuring there is someone around to look after them when you're away. Pet ownership is also great for teaching children responsibility, consistency and how to care for another living thing.

17. Pets help you relax

Man meditating with dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Yes, they definitely keep us busy, but pets are also brilliant for helping us to learn the art of relaxation. If you've ever watched an animal over the course of a day, you'll notice that they always operate on instinct – they eat when they're hungry, play when they have excess energy, and sleep when they're tired. Taking a leaf out of their book and pausing to rest when we need it is one of the most valuable lessons our pets teach us.

18. Your chore list suddenly gets longer

Woman cleaning up floor with dog watching

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Whether you're administering one of the best flea treatments for dogs, researching new ways to bond with your cat, or cleaning out your pocket pet's cage – there are always plenty of chores to be done when you're a pet owner.

19. You become an expert at meditating multi-pet conflicts

Two kittens play fighting

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When it comes to keeping the peace in a multi-pet household, there's no one tip for success – but making sure you meet each pet's needs can go a long way to creating harmony. Meditating conflict between animals can feel exhausting, but rest assured that most of the behavior you'll see being displayed is completely normal. Many pets can struggle to share their space with a newcomer, so patience and consistency is key when it comes to creating peace in your home.

20. There's always a friendly face waiting to greet you when you get home

Excited dog greeting woman as she arrives home

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There's nothing better than coming home after a long day and seeing your fur friend's sweet face as you open the door. And it's not just dogs and cats that are happy to see us. Various research studies have shown that animals like birds, fish, and hamsters can also recognize their owners by sight and sound. So, regardless of what kind of pet you have, you can guarantee they'll excited to greet you when you return home.

21. Vacations take more planning

Cat sitting on suitcase

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Whether you're going on vacation and leaving your pet behind or you're taking your pet on vacation with you, there's a lot more to think about than when you only had yourself to consider. You'll either be researching pet-friendly transport and accommodation options or you'll be trying to find a boarding facility or sitter who can take care of your pet while you're gone. Either way, vacations definitely take more planning when you have an animal in the family.

22. You have to pet-proof your house


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There are lots of ways to make your home more pet-friendly, and you'll definitely want to do them if you plan on having animals around — after all, the last thing you want is your furniture scratched to pieces, electrical cables chewed through, or your precious clothes nibbled on. Yes, it can be a bit time-consuming, but you'll be glad you did it later. Not only can pet-proofing protect your belongings, it can also ensure your pet stays safe, too.

23. Your mental load gets heavier

Person looking at dog toys

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Have you run out of the best food for rabbits? Does your dog desperately need a trip to the groomer? Are you running low on the best flea treatment for cats? Is your finned friend's tank in dire need of cleaning? Having a pet is such a joy, but it can certainly add to your mental load.

24. You worry every time they seem unwell

Man and dog

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Is your dog out of sorts? Does your cat seem under the weather? Is your guinea pig sleeping more than they usually would? It's completely natural and normal to worry about your pet, especially given they can't communicate how they're feeling in words like we would. Pet owners often worry about their pets – whether it's their health, safety, or just general wellbeing.

25. You laugh more

Woman laughing with dog

(Image credit: Amazon)

When it comes to the best things about owning a dog, cat, or other pet, how much laughter they bring to our lives is definitely top of the list. Animals are natural bringers of joy and their endlessly amusing antics mean it's impossible not to find yourself constantly wearing a smile.

26. Their sleep schedule is your sleep schedule

Woman and dachshund

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Welcome a pet into your home and it's almost guaranteed that you'll forget what leisurely mornings and uninterrupted nights feel like. While it's wonderful having an animal around, it's less wonderful when you find yourself being woken up at 3am by your hamster running on their wheel or your cat who's decided they'd like an early breakfast.

27. Getting work done takes longer than it used to

Tuxedo cat sitting on woman's lap looking at laptop

(Image credit: Getty Images)

If you used to be able to get a particular work task done in an hour, you might want to consider doubling that time if you have a pet in the house. Animals have zero interest in our work lives but are 100% interested in having their needs met whenever a need arises. If they want to be fed, exercised, or played with, expect to pause your work day to give them what they want – and if you don't? Well, you may just find they sprawl across your keyboard or bark incessantly until you get the message.

28. Privacy is a thing of the past

Dog standing between woman's legs in bathroom

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Going to the bathroom on your own will most definitely be off-limits if you have a dog or cat in the house. Most of our fur friends aren't big on privacy and will think nothing of following you into the bathroom to watch you shower or do your business. And while a bird or a fish isn't going to invade your privacy in quite the same way, their beady eyes are always observing you when you're in the room.

29. Your social media belongs to your pet

Woman looking at social media with dog sat beside her

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Human family? What human family? Your social media feed was probably once full of photos of your loved ones, but once you welcome a pet into your life, you'll likely have to scroll a long way back to find a photo where Mr. Bojangles isn't the star of the show.

30. You forget what it feels like to have personal space

French Bulldog in bed with couple

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Whether it's snuggling up against you while you're relaxing on the couch or creating a space for themselves in your bed instead of using their own, most pets aren't overly fond of personal space – so expect to have yours invaded!

31. You start talking in a weird voice

Man sitting on park bench with his dog

(Image credit: Getty Images)

We're not sure there's a pet owner on the planet who's not guilty of speaking to their pet in a baby voice from time to time. We know we've done it! Maybe it's because our animals feel so much like our children or perhaps it's because they're smaller and more vulnerable, whatever the reason, most of us can't help but talk to them in a different way than we'd talk to humans in our lives.

32. You go from wanting to tear your hair out to remembering why you love them so much

Hands scratching cat under chin

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Having a pet can definitely be an emotional rollercoaster. One minute they're destroying your belongings and you're silently cursing them for the havoc they wreak around your home and the next minute they're doing something utterly adorable that reminds you that can't imagine your life without them. Yes, pets can be hard work and more than a little frustrating some days, but most of us would agree that the joy they bring means we wouldn't have life any other way.

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Kathryn Williams
Freelance writer

Kathryn is a freelance writer who has been a member of the PetsRadar family since it launched in 2020. Highly experienced in her field, she's driven by a desire to provide pet parents with accurate, timely, and informative content that enables them to provide their fur friends with everything they need to thrive. Kathryn works closely with vets and trainers to ensure all articles offer the most up-to-date information across a range of pet-related fields, from insights into health and behavior issues to tips on products and training. When she’s not busy crafting the perfect sentence for her features, buying guides and news pieces, she can be found hanging out with her family (which includes one super sassy cat), drinking copious amounts of Jasmine tea and reading all the books.