Reasons to get a guinea pig that are enough to convince anyone
There is no shortage of reasons to get a guinea pig – but if you know someone who needs convincing, here’s what they need to hear

Cute, cuddly and packed full of character, there are many reasons to get a guinea pig. Along with being incredibly gentle animals, guinea pigs are considered to be low-maintenance fur friends, which makes them great for families with children.
Welcoming a pet into your home is an exciting time. But just like dogs, guinea pigs aren’t just for Christmas. These sociable furballs, which are often referred to as cavies, require the right setup to thrive. In addition to having a safe and secure hutch filled with hay and clean bedding, these fur friends will also need some of the best guinea pig toys to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
If you’re seriously considering adopting one (or two) of these four-pawed creatures, it’s worth checking out our tips for taking care of guinea pigs. Or, for more reasons to get a guinea pig, stick right here as we’ve compiled a list of why you’ll want to share your home with them.
32 reasons to get a guinea pig
1. They don’t need acres of space
According to the Humane Society of the United States, guinea pigs need a minimum of 7.5 square feet of space to thrive. If you've got the space, 10.5 square feet is your best bet and especially if you are keeping two guinea pigs.
2. Guinea pigs are small-to-medium sized animals
The overall size of a pet may determine whether or not your home is the right environment for them. So, if you're worried about not having enough space, guinea pigs are considered to be small to medium-sized pets.
Baby guinea pigs grow pretty rapidly. But once they reach adulthood, at around 12-15 months, they'll stop growing so they're usually between 8in and 10in long.
3. Guinea pigs are affectionate
Once you’ve formed a strong bond with your guinea pig, they’ll show their affection in many ways. Whether it’s by chirping, cuddling or giving you guinea pig kisses, like licking you. How sweet!
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4. Guinea pigs are pretty clean animals
Generally speaking, guinea pigs are clean freaks and love nothing more than grooming themselves daily.
However, on the other hand, their cage can get pretty messy. Therefore, while you won’t need to bathe your cute companion, you will need to spot clean their cage daily to pick up droppings and remove and replace dirty bedding.
5. They eat some of their own poop
Heard of coprophages? This term is the name given to organisms or animals who eat their own feces. And guinea pigs are an example of this.
You might be wondering why and the answer to this question is because a guinea pig’s first round of poops (called caecotrophs) are soft and packed full of vitamins and nutrients. Rabbits eat their poop for the same reason.
6. Guinea pigs are clever
Along with being quick learners, having a sharp memory and being known for their inquisitive nature, guinea pigs are clever creatures.
This means, with a little bit of patience, you can have hours of entertainment teaching them new tricks like how to turn in circles, how to shake paws and how to push a ball around.
7. They are packed with personality
Another brilliant fact about owning a guinea pig is that each has their own personality.
Some owners find that their pets are bossy (which is pretty funny, considering they are smaller than the size of a pineapple) others find that their fur friend is excitable and a handful say that their cavy is a perfect mix of all the above.
8. Guinea pigs make a purring sound
If you’re a fan of the soothing purring noise cats make, or love a dog’s low grumble, then you’ll be pleased to know guinea pigs have a rumble sound of their own.
This low purring sound is most often heard when your cavy is happy, like when it’s being petted. But guinea pigs can make a sharp purring noise when they feel threatened. So it’s important to know the difference between the two.
9. Guinea pigs ‘popcorn’
You may have heard about bunny binkies. Well, guinea pigs have their own super endearing version of this and it’s called ‘popcorning’. This term refers to when a guinea pig jumps in the air in spontaneous bursts to show how happy they are. So if this isn’t one reason to get a guinea pig, then we don’t know what is.
10. Guinea pigs come in all shapes and sizes
There is a guinea pig for every pet parent. From short-haired options to long-haired breeds. Guinea pigs come in all colors and patterns and their characteristics and personality will vary across the breeds.
In the US, the most popular or best guinea pig breeds include the American/English guinea pig which is known for its laid-back and easygoing personality. Then there’s the high-energy Abyssinian guinea pig which has a distinct appearance, due to the presence of rosettes in their fur.
11. Guinea pigs are low-maintenance
From their low grooming needs to their hardy nature, these fur friends are considered to be low-maintenance pets.
But as is the case with any fur friend, they will require a handful of your time, energy and love as you’ll still need to clean out their enclosure, give them daily social interaction and give them some time outside of their hutch.
12. This makes them good for children
Guinea pigs don’t need lots of specialist equipment, which makes them suitable for being one of the best first pets for children.
However, as we mentioned before, all animals need some TLC. So it’s important to supervise children closely until they're mature enough to take on more responsibility.
13. They love other guinea pigs
Have your heart set on adopting two guinea pigs? If you’ve got enough space, that’s a great idea as these fur friends are social characters. While they will enjoy spending time with you, these pets do best when they’re housed with another cavy.
If you're not looking to grow your fur family, just make sure you adopt both guinea pigs of the same sex as a female can give birth to up to 5 litters per year!
14. They like people
While guinea pigs are communal animals (which means you shouldn’t keep them alone) they also enjoy human company.
So be sure to factor in some time with your cavy to help strengthen your bond and keep them entertained and active.
15. Their diet is simple (once you get it right)
Keen to find out what guinea pigs eat? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that there are a whole host of things guinea pigs can eat. From hay and vegetables to some garden plants and herbs, guinea pigs are herbivores at heart so they only eat plants and plant-based foods.
16. Guinea pigs can help relieve stress
It’s a well-touted phrase that pets can help to decrease stress levels — and if that’s to be believed, guinea pigs are no different.
According to the American Heart Association’s 2022 Healthy Bond for Life survey, 95% of pet parents rely on their pet for stress relief. While the most popular ways pets help people de-stress is by snuggling, making their owners laugh (67%) and helping them feel less lonely (61%).
17. Guinea pigs can live indoors or outside
Do you live in an apartment? Or only have a small amount of outdoor space? This isn’t necessarily a problem.
Depending on what state you live in and the weather, guinea pigs can live indoors or outside, just as long as they are carefully sheltered and protected from extreme temperatures and have enough space for them to run and forage as they, please.
18. Guinea pigs can reduce loneliness
All pets can provide some form of comfort – and guinea pigs are another great example of this.
Yes, you might live with a partner or friends, but there will be moments when you’re home alone. However, with your guinea pig by your side snuggling and purring away, you'll never really feel lonely.
19. Guinea pigs have lots of energy
Any guinea pig owner will know that these prey animals are highly active.
So much so, that all that playing, chewing, and/or eating might have you questioning whether guinea pigs sleep? The answer is they do. But these furry friends don’t need loads of sleep to thrive. It's been said they can be awake for up to 20 hours a day!
20. They have a relatively long lifespan
Are you wondering how long do guinea pigs live?
Typically speaking, vets generally estimate that these loveable creatures grace us with their presence for around five to seven years. However, if a guinea pig is well looked after, some can live up to 10 years.
21. Guinea pigs make for great companions
Fun, cuddly and pretty vocal, the more time you spend with your fur friend the more bonded you’ll both be.
Whether it’s them standing at the end of their hutch so they can see what you’re doing. Or following you around the garden. Once you gain a guinea pig’s trust, your little shadow won’t want to be too far from your side.
22. Vaccinations are few and far between
Unlike cats or dogs, guinea pigs don’t require any routine vaccinations.
However, it is well worth taking your fur friend to the vet for regular check-ups to ensure they’re happy and healthy as once guinea pigs start to show signs of illness it may be too late.
To help offer some peace of mind, it's well worth investing in the best pet insurance to help you cover any unexpected costs.
23. Guinea pigs will eat your grass
When guinea pigs aren’t eating hay, they’ll love getting their teeth stuck into grass. Devouring grass can help their digestive system to function properly, as it's packed with fiber and vitamin C which is important for your cavy’s health.
Plus, all that grinding of the grass will help prevent their teeth from growing too long. It's a win-win.
24. They are curious characters
Guinea pigs are natural foragers. So they’ll love searching around their hutch for any hidden food, playing with their toy, or running through tunnels. This can make them a joy to watch as they learn and discover new things.
25. They are relatively quiet
There’s no denying that guinea pigs are chatterboxes. From their ‘chutting’ noises and their adorable ‘wheeking’ to their purring sounds, guinea pigs are known (and loved) for the range of sounds they make. But social butterflies they might be, all those noises won’t wake up the neighbors.
So whether you live in an apartment or in close proximity to others, you needn't have to worry about your guinea pigs making too much noise.
26. They thrive on routine
Just like cats and dogs, guinea pigs thrive once in a routine. Not only can a good routine make your fur friend feel right at home, but it can also help ensure that your guinea pig gets the right exercise, nutrition, and rest they need. And a happy and healthy them is an even happier you!
27. Guinea pigs are fun
These sociable characters are known for being fun. For example, they love being hand-fed which is not only a great way to bond with your guinea pig but an exciting way to add some enrichment into their life (and yours!).
Plus, when they’re not chewing leafy greens from your hand, they’ll often spend most of their day playing – especially if you've invested in some of the best guinea pig toys, like a hideaway or run. The fun never has to end!
28. They’re cute
How can you resist these beauties? Provided you’ve got the right setup for your cavy to help your furry friend thrive, these sweet little non-aggressive creatures are packed full of character and cuteness. The question you'll be asking yourself is why wouldn’t you want to have them as a pet?
29. Guinea pigs have great teeth
Another fun fact about guinea pigs? Did you know that a guinea pig’s teeth never stop growing?
That’s because these furry friends are designed to chew all day and they often do so on long strands of hay which can help them wear their teeth down and prevent them from becoming uncomfortable.
30. They don’t cost lots of money
Unlike the most expensive pets in the world, guinea pigs won’t cost you a small fortune to home. Generally speaking, depending on the breed and whether you adopt or purchase from a breeder, guinea pigs will cost somewhere in the region of $10 to $100.
But just remember, you’ll also need to budget for hay, clean bedding, a hutch or indoor cage, grooming equipment, and a run. They'll also need food and some of toys to provide your furry friend with all the mental and physical stimulation they require.
31. Guinea pigs are easy to handle (once you know how)
Every animal is different – that’s what makes them so special – but most guinea pigs love some human attention. So once you’ve spent some time with them and formed a wonderful bond, they'll love being handled gently with care and coming to you for a cuddle.
32. They’ll keep the kids entertained
If you've got little animal lovers in your home, they'll love sharing their world with a guinea pig. aa2We all know there’s nothing worse than hearing your little one say 'I’m bored’. But that’s where a pet, like a cavy, can help bust some boredom, because there’s always something to do.
Whether it's cleaning out their hutch and filling it with the best bedding for guinea pigs, letting them out in their run, or hand-feeding them their favorite vegetables.
Need some guidance on how to look after guinea pigs or what to do if your guinea pig is sick? Check out all our vet-approved tips.
Becks is a freelance lifestyle journalist who has more than 9 years of experience in the world of digital and print journalism. She covers health, wellness and family interests for a range of titles. When she's not putting pen-to-paper (or finger-to-keyboard) she's reading, in the gym, or taking her Dog Aunt title very seriously looking after the handful of four-legged creatures in her life.

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