The most common pet myths – debunked

Two dogs and two cats running through meadow
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Have you ever fallen for one of those common pet myths that are forever doing the rounds? You may not even know yet, but you’re not alone. Whether it’s believing that dogs and cats hate each other or small pets are easier to take care of than large ones, at one time or another we’ve all thought something was true only to find out later that it’s complete nonsense.

There are some facts about cats and dogs that are absolutely true. But did you know that it’s a misconception that cats can’t be trained and completely untrue that when your dog wags his tail it always means he’s happy? We know, totally mind-blowing, right?!

If you’re keen to find out what other old wives' tales have been circulating about the animals in our lives, read on as we debunk some of the most common pet myths. Spoiler alert: number eight completely floored us!

32 common pet myths debunked

1. A wagging tail means a happy dog

Happy dog standing on grass

(Image credit: Getty Images)

A wagging tail actually signals that a dog is feeling emotionally aroused. This could be positive arousal due to happiness or excitement, but it could also signal that a dog is feeling insecure, anxious, or nervous.

In order to know for sure, you'll want to pay attention to the rest of their body language, such as posture and ear position, to get an accurate gauge of how they're feeling.

2. Black cats are unlucky

Black kitten

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Black cats get such a bad rap. The subject of myth and folklore for hundreds of years, black cats became associated with witches in the 15th and 16th centuries with people believing that these felines were helping witches with their supposed evil deeds.

To this day, the superstition about black cats remains in many parts of the world even though it is completely unfounded. Thankfully, in some countries, like Japan, an encounter with a black cat is seen as a sign of good fortune.

3. If I don’t see fleas on my pet, they don’t have them

English Bulldog scratching

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Did you know that 95% of the fleas that are present in your house at any one time don't actually live on your pet? It's true! When looking at your pet, the easiest fleas to spot are adult fleas, but the bulk of the fleas in your home are going to be eggs, larvae, and pupae, which you'll never see.

Pets also remove a lot of fleas when they're cleaning themselves, so it's very easy to check their fur and miss them – but that doesn't mean they're not there.

The easiest way to ensure your pet (and your home) is protected from pesky parasites is to ensure you regularly apply one of the best flea treatments for dogs or flea treatment for cats.

4. Cat health problems are less expensive to treat than dog health problems

Maine Coon cat being held by vet

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Unfortunately for cat owners, this one is definitely a myth. While it's true that cats are smaller than most dogs, basic health care costs the same.

Yes, medications might cost slightly less because their price is based on an animals weight, but treatments like blood tests and X-rays, overnight stays and vet fees are the same regardless of whether you have a cat or a dog.

5. Pets chew and scratch furniture out of spite

Boston Terrier puppy

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When it comes to those times you wish you weren't a pet owner, entering a room to find your furniture or clothing chewed or scratched or your carpets peed on are definitely top of the list.

It's easy to think that your pet does these things out of spite but rest assured, that's not the case. Most of the time, animals become destructive when they're bored, so making sure your pet has enough mental and physical stimulation can go a long way to solving these issues.

6. A warm nose means your pet is sick

Sick cat

(Image credit: Getty Images)

So many of us will have fallen for this myth but believe it or not, a warm nose typically says nothing about your pet's health and everything about their environment. If your pet has a warm nose but is otherwise acting normally, it's more than likely due to the temperature or humidity levels in your house.

7. Cats are unloving

Cat sleeping on woman's lap

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Our poor feline friends are seriously misunderstood at times. While it's true that domesticated cats are more independent than domesticated dogs, they are far from unloving.

There are lots of ways cats show affection, but this will look different from how dogs show love, so it's important to pay attention to the way your kitty communicates. If your cat likes to be stroked, head butts you or wants to be in your company, these are all ways they're trying to show you how much you mean to them.

8. Dogs age in human years

Two dogs wearing birthday hats

(Image credit: Getty Images)

We have to admit, we completely fell for this one! It's long been said that one dog year equals seven human years, but it turns out that's completely untrue. A one-year-old dog, for example, is actually closer to a 15-year-old teenager in terms of their mental and physical development and different breeds develop and age differently.

9. Your pet only needs to go to the vet when they’re sick

Female vet examining rabbit

(Image credit: Getty Images)

False! The last thing you want to do is wait until your pet is seriously ill before taking them to the vet as a lot of health conditions can be detected early or prevented altogether through regular checkups.

Taking your pet to the vet twice a year and having it examined can be a great way to prevent bigger (and more expensive issues) from developing down the road.

10. Cats always land on their feet

Cat jumping off tree stump

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When cats fall a short distance, it's more than likely they'll land on their feet. That's because they have an in-built balancing system called the "righting reflex" that allows them to quickly twist and orient themselves so they land on all four paws.

However, the height of the fall greatly influences their ability to land safely, which is why so many of our feline friends suffer injuries when they jump out of a window that's several stories high.

11. Neutering your pet will change their personality

Goldendoodle with inflatable vet collar after being neutered

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Neutering your pet will not change their personality but it can help put a stop to unwanted behaviors like late-night yowling, mounting, roaming, or urine spraying.

There's a lot more to your pet's personality than just sex hormones, so expect your fur friend to be the same animal you fell in love with – just without the ability to reproduce!

12. All cats hate water

Siberian cat in swimming pool

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Yes, some of our feline friends are not water babies, but there are many cat breeds that like water and won't hesitate to play with the wet stuff or even join you in the shower! Breeds that particularly enjoy getting their paws wet include the Maine Coon, Turkish Van, and Norwegian Forest Cat.

13. Your pet knows when they’ve done something wrong

Dog looking guilty

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Has your pet ever had what appears to be a guilty look on their face when you walk through the door? If your slippers have been chewed or your curtains shredded and your pet is sporting a guilty expression, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that they know they've done something wrong.

However, it turns out that this isn't the case. What you're actually seeing is appeasement behavior, where your pet is simply responding to your disappointment or upset. The change in your behavior triggers them to try to diffuse the tension by appearing more submissive, but they don't actually know what they've done wrong, they just know you're not happy about it.

14. Dogs and cats eat grass when they're sick

Cat eating grass

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Not always. It's a common misconception that dogs and cats eat grass when they're feeling nauseous and want to vomit up the contents of their stomach. While this is sometimes true, dogs also eat grass because they like the taste and cats will eat it to help ease constipation, purge a hairball, or for the same reason as dogs – simply because it tastes good.

15. Cats only purr when they’re happy

Cat being stroked

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Why do cats purr? Well, in some instances, it can signal that they're feeling happy and content, but that's not the only reason you'll hear your feline friend purring. Cats also purr as a way to soothe themselves when they're feeling frightened or in pain.

16. Horses only sleep standing up

Horse standing up with eyes closed

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Could you imagine how unrested you'd feel if you spent every night sleeping standing up? Thankfully, horses do lie down – although nowhere near as often as many other animals. Horses can sleep lightly standing up, but they'll lie down for a couple of hours to get deeper rest when they need it.

17. Rabbits should be fed lots of carrots

Rabbit eating carrot

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are plenty of things rabbits can eat aside from pellets and carrots are indeed a healthy snack. However, this sweet vegetable should be fed as an occasional treat with the bulk of your bunny's diet being made up of hay and grass, leafy greens, and small amounts of rabbit pellets.

18. Cats can see in complete darkness

Cat in tree at night

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Cats are much better adept than humans at seeing in low light, but just like us, they can't see in complete darkness when there is no light available. While our feline friends don't have true night vision, on a moonlit night, they can see around six to eight times better than we can in the dark.

19. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

Two dogs standing on hind legs with paws in the air

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are plenty of ways to teach your dog new tricks regardless of their age. While it may take an older pup slightly longer to master a new skill or behavior, their brains are like sponges and will soak up all that new information a lot quicker than you think.

There are so many benefits to training your dog (from strengthening your bond to offering them much-needed mental and physical enrichment) and these are available to your canine companion no matter their age.

20. All dogs and cats hate each other

Golden retriever and British Shorthair cat lying together under blanket

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Keeping the peace in a multi-pet household isn't always easy, but did you know that some cats and dogs will form strong bonds? Although cats and dogs are often portrayed as enemies (and it's true some will never get along) if they're introduced to each other slowly and carefully, many will forge a deep friendship – or, at the very least, learn to live together in harmony.

21. Rats are dirty

Woman stroking her pet rat

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Because wild rats live in sewers, we assume they must be dirty creatures, but nothing could be further from the truth. Rats are fastidious groomers who clean themselves several times a day, so they're actually one of the cleanest pets you can own.

22. Small pets don’t require as much care or attention

Two guinea pigs eating

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Smaller pets require less care than larger pets, right? Wrong. While small pets are certainly less demanding in terms of the space and resources that they need (and they don't need to be taken outside for a walk each day like a dog or ridden like a horse), they still require just as much love, care and attention as bigger animals.

23. Rabbits are great pets for kids

Two girls and rabbit

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are not the best choice of pet for young children. When selecting a family pet, it's really important to think carefully about what it is you're looking for. Most children want a pet that they can engage with but most rabbits don't enjoy being picked up or petted, which children can find hard to understand.

24. Cats can’t be trained

Cat taking treats from owners hand

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Can you train a cat? You absolutely can! Granted, it's not always quite as straightforward as training dogs as our feline friends are more independent-minded, but rest assured it can be done. With time, patience, and consistency, cats can be trained to do all sorts of things, from using a litter box and scratching posts to performing tricks.

25. Small birds only like to eat seeds

Two budgies eating seeds

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are plenty of nutritious things birds can eat other than bird food – and your small beaked buddy will thank you for adding variety to their daily diet. While many small birds do indeed love eating seeds, many also enjoy fruits and vegetables.

26. All dogs are good at swimming

Dog in water with stick in mouth

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are certain dog breeds that are made for swimming and then there are some dog breeds that can't swim at all!

If you want a canine companion you can hit the water with, breeds like the Labrador Retriever, golden retriever, Portuguese Water Dog and the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever are all great choices. However, you'll want to steer clear of breeds like the pug, corgi, and shih tzu who have bodies that weren't made for swimming.

27. Horses are colorblind


(Image credit: Getty Images)

Scientists used to believe that horses could only see in black and white, but more recently it's been discovered that horses actually have what's known as dichromatic vision, meaning they see in two wavelengths of light.

For comparison, we humans have trichromatic vision and see in three. This means that horses are most sensitive to shades of blue and green and struggle to distinguish between colors on the red spectrum.

28. All parrots can talk

Two parrots

(Image credit: Getty Images)

When it comes to great pets that aren't cats or dogs, birds are a popular choice – but did you know not all parrots can talk? While most parrots have the ability to talk and many will, some parrots will never speak a word simply because just like us humans, all of our feathered friends have their own unique personalities.

29. Cats are nocturnal

Cat outside at night

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Cats aren't nocturnal, they're actually crepuscular, which means they're most active at dawn and dusk. Hunting opportunities are at their peak at these times and there's just the right amount of light for our feline friends to be able to see well.

30. Letting a pet lick their wound will help keep it clean

Vet bandaging dog's paw

(Image credit: Getty Images)

This one is definitely false. Cats and dogs will often want to lick to tend to a wound by licking it, but remember your pet's mouth is full of bacteria, and letting them do this will likely cause more harm than good.

Constant licking can also prolong healing by preventing a wound from scabbing over. If your fur friend has been injured, be sure to take them to a vet who will be able to treat them and offer advice on how to stop them from licking.

31. Pets love cuddles

Woman cuddling cat

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Sadly, the idea that pets like cuddles is another myth. It's actually we humans who like snuggling with our fur friends, not the other way around. While there will be the odd pet that enjoys a cuddle now and again, they tend to be the exception, with most animals preferring other forms of affection.

32. Cats have nine lives

Siamese cat

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Do cats actually have 9 lives? Oh, how we wish this one were true! But sadly, our feline friends don't have nine lives, just the one like the rest of us. This myth likely got started because cats are so agile and quick-witted, meaning they can often get themselves out of all sorts of jams without sustaining so much as a scratch.

Want to learn more about our favorite pets? Here are some interesting cat facts and interesting dog facts to get your teeth into

Kathryn Williams
Freelance writer

Kathryn is a freelance writer who has been a member of the PetsRadar family since it launched in 2020. Highly experienced in her field, she's driven by a desire to provide pet parents with accurate, timely, and informative content that enables them to provide their fur friends with everything they need to thrive. Kathryn works closely with vets and trainers to ensure all articles offer the most up-to-date information across a range of pet-related fields, from insights into health and behavior issues to tips on products and training. When she’s not busy crafting the perfect sentence for her features, buying guides and news pieces, she can be found hanging out with her family (which includes one super sassy cat), drinking copious amounts of Jasmine tea and reading all the books.