Best cat breeds for dog owners

Cat and dog cuddled up together
(Image credit: Getty Images)

There's always a chance that fur will fly in a multi-pet household, but choosing one of the best cat breeds for dog owners gives you a good shot at achieving harmony in your home.

While it's true that some dogs and cats will never achieve forever friends status, many can learn to peacefully tolerate each other's presence and some may even cuddle, play together, or sleep in the same bed!

Keeping the peace in a multi-pet household isn't always easy, but one way to set yourself up for success is to try and choose breeds that are known for getting along. While all animals are unique and selecting by breed is no guarantee, it does improve your odds of your cat and dog getting along.

So whether you're looking for another quiet companion to cuddle up with on the couch or a social and outgoing dynamo who loves an active lifestyle, here are the best cat breeds for dog owners...

Best cat breeds for dog owners

1. Bengal


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They may look like they've just wandered out of the jungle, but underneath their wild cat appearance, the Bengal cat is a loving and loyal kitty who adores being part of all the family action.

A hybrid breed resulting from crossing the Asian leopard cat with several domestic cats (including the Egyptian Mau), the Bengal is active, inquisitive, and intelligent, so they need lots of mental and physical stimulation to ensure they thrive. A gregarious feline who will happily leash up and join you and your pup on a walk outside, they can also be taught tricks and enjoy living with dogs who can be a playmate for them.

2. Abyssinian


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Abyssinian cats are high-energy felines who are always on the go, so if you're looking for a fun-loving kitty who loves to climb and play, they could well be the cat for you. They thrive on the companionship of people and other pets and have a delightful mischievous streak and buoyant personality that's sure to bring a lot of joy to your home.

They tend to have an excellent temperament that matches well with dogs and are known for being quite chatty. While their short coat is very low-maintenance, they love any chance to bond with their humans, so regular grooming sessions will be much appreciated.

3. Manx


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A stocky cat who can weigh up to 12 pounds, the manx hails from the Isle of Man and they're most famous for their lack of a tail, which is the result of a natural, genetic mutation.

If you're looking for a low-energy cat breed that is incredibly sweet, unassuming, and non-demanding, the manx is an excellent choice. They make truly wonderful companions, being playful but not overly active. Very good-natured and affectionate, their social streak makes them very dog-like and they tend to be very friendly and tolerant towards other pets.

4. Japanese Bobtail

Japanese Bobtail

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Did you know that there are some cat breeds that like water? It's true! And the Japanese Bobtail is definitely one of them. A sociable and agreeable cat that gets along famously with dogs, the Japanese Bobtail has a sweet and affectionate nature and is highly intelligent.

Because they adore the spotlight and are very energetic, they can be a great choice for families as they tend to have a real affinity for children and love being part of day-to-day home life.

5. Burmese


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Often described as dog-like due to their highly social and playful nature, Burmese cats is one of the most popular cat breeds, and for good reason.

Sensitive souls who are endlessly curious about the world around them, they are deeply devoted to their humans and their friendly nature has won over even those who swear they do not like cats.

Lovingly referred to as bricks wrapped in silk because of their stocky bodies and super soft coats, the Burmese loves playing games like fetch and tag and adores learning new tricks.

6. Ragdoll


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Relaxed and friendly, ragdolls get along with pretty much anyone and because they're so gentle and easygoing, they tend to take to dog breeds that have a similar calm and placid nature.

Ragdolls are never happier than when they're with their humans and like nothing more than being stroked, cuddled, and lavished with love and attention. Trusting cats who can tolerate busy family households, they get on very well with children and form close bonds with all of their chosen people.

7. British Shorthair

British Shorthair

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One of the quietest cat breeds, the British Shorthair is a feline of few words – but don't let that fool you, they still have bucketloads of personality.

With their stocky coat, plush fur, and round face, they look like real-life teddy bears, and while their eyes make them look as if butter wouldn't melt, they can zoom around after the best interactive cat toys just as quickly as any other kitty!

Although they're not ones for being picked up and cuddled, they are super-affectionate in their own way and stick very close to their owners. Because they're so chilled out, they get along well with other pets in the home and most will become firm friends with any dogs in the family.

8. American Curl

American Curl

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A sweet-faced cat with adorable curled-back ears, the American Curl has an infectious personality. Known for being highly loving and super playful, they are very people-oriented and enjoy being involved in all aspects of family life.

Friendly and social cats who get along with well-behaved dogs, they're very adaptable and will be more than happy in most living situations. American Curls are curious by nature, so expect them to explore all the nooks and crannies in your home!

9. Bombay

Bombay cat

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Looking for a high-energy cat breed that will delight in playing with you and your pup? Look no further than the active Bombay. A mix of the Burmese and the American Shorthair, the Bombay is an elegant-looking kitty with a curious and affectionate nature.

This breed craves human companionship, so if you've always wanted a Velcro cat who will follow you around, the Bombay definitely ticks that box. Outgoing and sociable, they make excellent additions to the family as long as you're prepared to give them the physical and mental interaction that they need.

10. Maine Coon

Maine Coon

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One of the largest cat breeds in the world, Maine Coon cats can reach lengths of 40 inches and can tip the scales at a top weight of 18 pounds. A popular feline thanks to their social and family-oriented nature, they are very extroverted and playful while still being sweet and affectionate.

Highly vocal, chilled out, and gentle, they're a brilliant choice for families with young children and tend to be very devoted to their humans. Maine Coon's are generally considered to be very dog-friendly and most become firm friends with any pups in the house.

11. Devon Rex

Devon Rex

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Devon Rex cats are curly-haired cuties who were developed in England in the 1950s. Instantly recognizable thanks to their rather adorable alien-like appearance, the Devon Rex is a small cat with a friendly and outgoing nature.

This breed loves to play and clown around, and they also adore climbing, so investing in one of the best cat trees will certainly win you some serious brownie points. Bold cats who are happiest when around other people and pets, the Devon Rex is very responsive to their humans and will follow them from room to room.

12. Ocicat


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The ocicat is definitely not a breed for the faint of heart. While they resemble a wild cat, there's no trace of any wild DNA in modern ocicats, but in spite of that, it's worth noting that they can be a handful behaviorally!

This isn't a bad thing if you have the time and energy to meet their needs, you just want to ensure you know what you're getting into before you adopt one of these very intelligent and active cats.

Ocicats have a big personality and presence and require a lot of mental and physical stimulation to keep them out of mischief. However, while they are a highly energetic breed, they are also extremely friendly and affectionate and absolutely love children and other pets.

13. Savannah

Savannah cat

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A cross between the African serval and a domestic cat, the Savannah is a rare cat breed with a cheetah-like appearance and an energetic and daring nature. Savannah cats thrive on human attention and they're very affectionate, but they do require a lot of time and energy as they need frequent interaction.

This is definitely not the cat for you if you spend a lot of time outside of the home. Lively, adventurous, and assertive, the Savannah is a very loyal cat who tends to be thrilled when there's a dog in the family that they can play with.

14. Birman


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When it comes to the best cat breeds for first-time owners, the Birman is hard to beat. Strikingly beautiful with their soft and fluffy coats and gentle and loving personalities, Birman's are affectionate, sweet-natured cats who enjoy snuggling up on the couch with their favorite humans.

Bred to be companion animals, they are social yet calm and they make wonderful family cats. Kind, clever, and curious, they're not super vocal but will communicate with soft meows when they want you to know something.

15. Siamese


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If there were a prize for the cat breed with the biggest meow, the Siamese would win hands down! This chatty kitty loves conversing with their humans and they can be very demanding if they feel they're not getting the attention they believe they deserve.

Incredibly intelligent, you'll want to invest in plenty of the best automated cat toys and perhaps a cat puzzle feeder or two to ensure their brain gets a good daily workout. Affectionate and loving, the Siamese bond strongly with their owners and enjoy being the center of attention.

16. Tonkinese


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A mix of the Siamese and Burmese, the tonkinese is a charming cat with a sweet, smart, and social nature. Very even-tempered, they love to play but are also happy to cuddle up on a warm lap when they're feeling tired and in need of a snooze.

Tonkinese cats thrive on human companionship and like to follow their people from room to room. Because they're such bright and inquisitive cats, they need a lot of mental stimulation but due to their attention-craving personalities and love of affection, they tend to get on very well with dogs who are similar in nature – so you could find that the two amuse each other.

17. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

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With their long bodies, curly coats, large ears, and big eyes, Cornish Rex cats are hard to miss. Playful, high-energy kitties who love to climb, they're a wonderfully bright and spirited breed who love to explore.

The Cornish Rex is very social and they love to interact with their family, while they can initially be reserved around strangers, it doesn't take them long to warm up. They get on famously with children, dogs, and other pets and have a low-shedding coat, so they can be a good choice for those who suffer from allergies.

18. Sphynx


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Granted, they may not have much fur, but believe it or not, the Sphynx makes for a very cuddly companion indeed. These cats love to snuggle with their owners and are highly affectionate, not to mention outgoing and just a tad mischievous! While they may look low-maintenance, Sphynx cats require a lot of care.

They don't like being left alone as they bond very deeply with their humans and they also are super intelligent, which means they require a lot of mental stimulation to keep them from becoming bored. Their suede-like skin also needs bathing regularly and their bat-like ears need weekly cleaning to prevent dirt and debris from building up.

19. Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cat

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With a long history that can be traced back to Viking times, the Norwegian Forest Cat adores the water and loves to climb and hunt. When it comes to cat breeds that prefer being outside, the Wedgie (as they're affectionately known) is right up there and because they love the company of other pets, they can make a wonderful adventure buddy for dogs.

Wediges like being with their people, but they also enjoy their space, so most prefer to curl up in the same room as their humans but not on their lap. Happy to spend time alone if their family is out and about, the Wedgie is a good choice if you're looking for a cat that's loving but not overly dependent on you.

20. Turkish Van

Turkish Van

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Nicknamed the "swimming cat" because of their love of water, the Turkish Van is very dog-like in nature and may just give your pup a run for their money when it comes to playing fetch! Turkish Vans are very active cats and need plenty of space to run, jump, and climb.

Having a cat tree in your home as well as feline-friendly shelving and a cat scratching post will all be much appreciated by this breed. While they love the company of people, cuddling isn't high on the priority list for Turkish Vans who prefer to show their affection in other ways.

21. Siberian Forest Cat

Siberian cat

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With their fluffy bodies and bushy tails, Siberian Forest Cats are the sort of breed that's hard to resist cuddling – and thankfully, they won't mind this one bit.

Energetic, affectionate, and fun-loving, Siberians are known for being incredibly friendly and patient, so they're an excellent choice for homes with children and other pets.

A quiet breed who tends to purr a lot but rarely meows, they're independent enough to be able to tolerate short periods alone

22. Korat


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A rare cat breed that originated in Thailand where it is thought to bring good luck to anyone who owns one, the Korat is one of the oldest breeds in the world. They have beautiful blue and silver-tipped fur that shimmers when the light catches it and they are deeply loving lap cats who delight in being with their human family.

A wonderful choice for people of any age, Korat's are intelligent, thoughtful, and laid-back. While they can be skittish around strangers, they do very well with cat-friendly dogs as long as introductions are handled patiently.

23. Russian Blue

Russian Blue

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Known for their quiet, sensitive, and loyal nature, Russian Blue cats have eyes that start off as golden and then transform into a stunning green color as they mature.

As you've probably guessed from their name, their dense coat comes in just one shade – blue – and like the Korat, it shimmers whenever they move.

While not cuddly or clingy, Russian Blues are very sweet-natured and enjoy being in the presence of their people.

They can be aloof with strangers and may hide away when new people come to visit, but they tend to get along very well with gentle dogs who share their same placid, reserved, and thoughtful nature.

24. Turkish Angora

Turkish Angora

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With their silky fur and graceful, ballerina-like body, the Turkish Angora is a stunningly elegant breed with mesmerizing blue or odd-colored eyes.

While all that fur makes them look like they'd be high-maintenance, they're fortunate in that their coats rarely mat and a brush a few times a week is all it takes to keep them looking their best.

Playful and affectionate, they make wonderful companions for people of all ages and they also get on swimmingly with dogs – although be warned, the Turkish Angora likes to be in charge, so your pup may have to settle for being second in the household pet hierarchy!

25. American Bobtail

American Bobtail

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A sturdy cat with a shaggy coat, the American Bobtail is an active kitty who loves to play games and will happily greet you at the door whenever you come home.

Great with children and other pets, when they're not busy playing these affectionate and gentle sweethearts will be all too happy to climb up into your lap for a cuddle and a snooze.

American Bobtails are real smarties, so you'll want to stock up on plenty of toys to entertain them so they don't get into mischief.

26. Oriental shorthair

Oriental Shorthair

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Closely related to the Siamese, the Oriental shorthair shares many of the same character traits – for starters, they're extremely chatty! They're also highly intelligent, curious, and very extroverted.

Oriental Shorthairs have sensitive natures, so they do best in homes with older children who are able to read their body language and give them space when they need it.

Because they're so smart, they do get bored easily, so you'll want to ensure they have plenty of toys and games to keep them occupied. They also don't like being left alone, so households where people are out most of the day aren't ideal for this breed.

27. Ragamuffin


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Ragamuffin cats are a dream for families with young children as they're one of the few breeds who will happily tolerate being dressed up and invited to participate in a tea party.

So easy going they deserve a medal, ragamuffins are kind, patient, gentle cats who love to play. Affectionate and loving, they are very docile and trusting and because they're not territorial in the way that some other breeds can be, they are typically more than happy to share their home with a dog or other pets.

28. Chartreux


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A rare breed hailing from France, the Chartreux may well be the kitty for you if you're looking for a calm, thoughtful, and affectionate companion to share your life with.

They are very low-chaos and quiet, making them one of the best cats for introverts, and while they value companionship, they don't demand or expect constant attention.

Highly intelligent, they master tricks with ease and enjoy playing fetch, and because they're so friendly and adaptable, they're a great choice for multi-pet households.

29. Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold

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Scottish Fold cats are delightfully good-natured, so it's no surprise that they're such a popular choice of pet these days.

Named because of the way their ears fold forward (the result of a natural gene mutation), the Scottish Fold is a sweet and loving breed who is very easygoing and gets on well with dogs and other pets.

If you're looking for a low-maintenance breed, Scottish Fold's are a good choice as they don't require lots of active engagement or strenuous play. For the most part, they're content with a low-key play session and plenty of cuddle time.

30. American Shorthair

American Shorthair

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Known for their laid-back personalities, American Shorthair cats are a popular breed, and for good reason. Sweet-natured, adaptable, and playful, they thrive in almost any living situation from busy family households to quiet apartment living.

Independent cats who are more than happy to amuse themselves, they're non-demanding but do enjoy quietly following their humans from room to room.

Because they're so chilled, you'll find they get along well with children, dogs, and other pets and due to their outstanding hunting abilities, they're a great cat to have around if you have a problem with rodents!

31. Havana Brown

Havana Brown

(Image credit: Alamy)

Hailing from Cuba, the Havana Brown is the result of breeding the Siamese with domestic black cats.

Muscular cats with long bodies and wedge-shaped heads, Havana Browns have smooth and glossy coats and charming personalities. Affectionate and people-oriented, they require a lot of attention and don't like being left alone.

Although not super active, they still enjoy a good play session and after they're done, they'll happily curl up beside their favorite human.

Their friendly nature means they get on well with other pets and will often engage their doggy pals in a play session when their owners are too busy to entertain them.

32. Somali

Somali cat

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The Somali is a long-haired version of the Abyssinian and shares many of the same character traits. They are an on-the-go breed who is both curious and clever, so they need lots of mental and physical stimulation each day to keep them happy and healthy.

Social, loving, and friendly, they make spirited family companions and because they adore their humans so much, expect them to be around you all the time.

Their active, gregarious, and playful nature makes them a natural fit for homes with dogs and they'll delight in having a friend they can be rambunctious with.

Already got a cat? Here are the best dog breeds for cat owners

Kathryn Williams
Freelance writer

Kathryn is a freelance writer who has been a member of the PetsRadar family since it launched in 2020. Highly experienced in her field, she's driven by a desire to provide pet parents with accurate, timely, and informative content that enables them to provide their fur friends with everything they need to thrive. Kathryn works closely with vets and trainers to ensure all articles offer the most up-to-date information across a range of pet-related fields, from insights into health and behavior issues to tips on products and training. When she’s not busy crafting the perfect sentence for her features, buying guides and news pieces, she can be found hanging out with her family (which includes one super sassy cat), drinking copious amounts of Jasmine tea and reading all the books.