Why is my cat pooping outside the litter box? A vet's guide

cat sat in a cat litter box
(Image credit: Getty Images)

No one wants to come home to find their cat pooping outside the litter box, but unfortunately for some cat owners this can become a regular occurrence. A cat can start pooping outside the litter box for many reasons, some behavioral and others due to underlying medical issues.

If you’re dealing with a cat pooping outside the litter box, there are some steps you can take to get your cat back to the using the litter box. First, you’ll need to troubleshoot your litter box management and see what may be causing your cat’s sudden litter box aversion. You’ll also need to consider whether your cat’s inappropriate elimination could be due to a medical problem, and consult your vet for further advice.

Why do cats poop outside the litter box? 

There are many reasons why a cat may start pooping outside the litter box, and it can be difficult to ascertain why your cat has started this new behavior. Some of the common reasons for pooping outside the litter box include:

fluffy light grey cat playing with cat litter

(Image credit: Getty Images)
Dr. Elsey's Cat Litter | Amazon

Dr. Elsey's Cat Litter | Amazon

This clay litter is low dust, hard clumping for ease of scooping and low tracking, so it shouldn’t get trodden through your home.

How to stop a cat from pooping outside the litter box 

If your cat is frequently pooping outside their litter box, the good news is there a few things you can try to resolve the behavior. A visit to your vet will rule out any medical issues but good litter box management is also essential.

1. Consult your vet

To get to the bottom of what’s making your cat poop outside the litter box, the first step is a visit to your vet. They will perform a full head to tail physical examination, and may recommend some additional diagnostic testing such as radiographs (X-rays) or evaluation of a fecal sample.

These tests will help your veterinarian rule out common causes for pooping outside the litter box and, hopefully, achieve a diagnosis for your cat.

2. Keep their routine consistent

One of the most common reasons cats poop outside the litter box is an aversion to the litter box itself. Cats can be extremely picky about their litter boxes and even minor changes can cause them to stop using the box.

If your cat is pooping outside the litter box and you have recently made some changes – such as trying new types of cat litter or changing the location of the box – try reversing those changes first to see if this will encourage your cat to use the box again.

World’s Best Cat Litter | Amazon

World’s Best Cat Litter | Amazon

This flushable, unscented corn-based cat litter is septic-safe and 99% dust-free. It's ultra absorbent and low tracking.

3. Litter box management

When dealing with inappropriate elimination, good litter box management is essential. First, make sure you have enough litter boxes – at least one box per cat in the household, plus one extra. This ensures there is always a box available when your cat needs one. Here’s our guide to the best cat litter boxes, should you need more.

The litter boxes must be cleaned at least once a day. Some cats who are extra fastidious may not use a dirty litter box at all, so you may need to clean the box even more frequently in these cases. It might help to have a refresher on how to clean a litter box, or look into the best automatic cat litter boxes to see if that suits your squeaky clean kitty.

Be sure to offer different sizes and types of litter boxes, so your cat can choose what he likes best. Use a clumping, unscented clay litter, because this is what most cats prefer.

The litter boxes should be located in different spots throughout the house so there is always one easily accessible. If your cat is pooping outside the litter box, putting a box where he most commonly poops may encourage him to use the box again.

Neakasa M1 Open-Top Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box | Amazon

Neakasa M1 Open-Top Self Cleaning Cat Litter Box | Amazon

This self-cleaning litter box can go up to two weeks without needing a bag change and can hold more than 11 liters of waste. You can connect it to an app to monitor your cat's toilet activity, which can tell you a lot about their health.

savannah cat sat in a lidded litter box

(Image credit: Getty Images)

4. Consider the location of litter box

Finally, take some time to consider the route your cat takes to reach the litter box. What obstacles does your cat encounter along the way? Does he have to cross the path of a scary dog, or does a bully cat stand in his way? Will he have to go up and down stairs, or jump over obstacles to reach his box? Is the litter box next to a noisy appliance or in a musty-smelling corner of the basement?

All of these factors can make your cat less inclined to make the journey to the litter box. Consider adding new boxes in more easily accessible areas of the house and this may resolve your cat’s inappropriate elimination issue.

If the problems persist...

How to discipline a cat for pooping outside the litter box

While inappropriate elimination may cause not only worry in cat owners, but frustration, it's important to understand that the resolution does not involve disciplining your cat.

A cat pooping outside the litter box isn’t doing so out of spite, and they aren’t being naughty. There is a problem that needs to be addressed – and you may need to look into how to retrain a cat to use a litter box. If the underlying issue is not treated, then inappropriate elimination will continue or worsen.

ginger cat interacting with clean litter in the scoop

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Why is my cat pooping on the floor with a clean litter box? 

If your litter boxes are well-managed and you stil see your cat pooping outside the litter box, it is definitely time to see your veterinarian to get to the bottom of the issue. Your veterinarian can help you further troubleshoot your litter box management, and can also assess your cat for medical problems such as pain and arthritis, which can commonly cause inappropriate elimination.

If your cat is painful it can be very difficult to get into and out of the litter box, especially if there are obstacles along the way such as stairs, which can be quite painful for an arthritic cat to navigate.

In many cases, treating the pain and providing a more easily accessible litter box can resolve the problem. Other causes of inappropriate defecation, such as parasites or cat constipation, can also be resolved with appropriate treatment.

Fresh News Recycled Paper Cat Litter | Amazon

Fresh News Recycled Paper Cat Litter | Amazon

Non-toxic and made from recycled paper, this cat litter is biodegradable, non-clumping, 99% dust-free and non-allergenic.

When to be concerned about a cat pooping outside their litter box 

If your cat has pooped outside the litter box once or twice and then returned to using the litter box normally, this is likely not cause for concern. Your cat may have been blocked from reaching the litter box or may not have been able to get to the litter box quickly enough.

It’s always a good idea to periodically review your litter box management, so this is a great time to double check that you are following all of the recommendations above to give your cat a clean and welcoming litter box. If your cat does not poop outside the litter box again, then there’s likely no cause for concern.

If your cat continues to poop outside the litter box, then it’s best to see your veterinarian for an examination and diagnostic testing. Your cat may have an underlying medical issue contributing to the inappropriate defecation. Once an underlying cause for the inappropriate defecation is diagnosed, your veterinarian can prescribe appropriate treatment to help get your cat back on track.

Struggling with other feline behaviors? Read our guides to cat peeing outside the litter box and cat walking in circles.

Curated by
Bethany Stone
Curated by
Bethany Stone

Bethany is an experienced writer who has been writing across the pets and equestrian sector for eight years.

Elizabeth Racine, DVM

Dr. Elizabeth Racine is a small animal general practice vet covering all things pet health and wellness.  Her special interests include veterinary behavior, nutrition, and internal medicine.  As a freelance writer, Dr. Racine has written content for major companies in the industry such as the American Kennel Club, Merck Animal Health, Bayer PetBasics, Elanco, and CareCredit.  In her free time, Dr. Racine enjoys playing trampoline dodgeball, hiking with her beagle Dasher, and spending time with her three mischievous cats. 

With contributions from
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