32 most popular cat breeds for feline fans

Popular cat breeds - cat looking at camera
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Consider yourself more of a cat person? Then you’re in good company. Just like any other pet, cats come in a variety of breeds and colors and each one has their quirks, along with their likes and dislikes.

For example, some love cuddling, others love curling up on laps and many others class themselves as independent souls, who like observing the world from high up places. But these aren’t the only differences cats can have. Many feline friends have masses of fluff, others are shorthaired and some have no hair at all — so are a great match for those with allergies. 

If you’ve decided this year is the year you welcome a feline friend into your home, then it’s important to find the right kitty for your four walls who will thrive in your space. To help you figure out what cat is the right fit for you and your lifestyle, we’ve pulled together a number of the most popular cat breeds for feline fans. So keep scrolling to find out. 

Most popular cat breeds for feline fans


Popular cat breeds

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If you’ve got a family who longs for a cat, then the Burmese breed could be your ideal feline friend. These cats are incredibly affectionate and show their love to close family members of all ages, no matter how old or young. Plus, they are intelligent fur friends and enjoy spending their days finding new and unusual ways to do things. These cats are also known for their playful personality and it’s for that reason they are often described as having a ‘dog-like’ personality.


Popular cat breeds - Ragdoll cat

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A Ragdoll might not be the first name you think of, when cats come to mind. But this feline gets its name because of the original breed’s tendency to go limp when picked up. Generally speaking, this breed of cat tends not to do this in more recent times, but they are still even-tempered and an incredibly gentle breed of cat. These long-haired cats are one of the larger cat breeds in the feline world and despite their masses of fluff, they don’t tend to malt too much. 

Maine Coon

Popular cat breeds

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Big, hairy and super affectionate, the Maine Coon shares a number of similarities with the Ragdoll. But this cat is far more curious than their other cat counterparts and is often spotted curling up on anyone’s lap, including guests. If you’ve got other animals in your home, a Maine Coon will get along happily with other kitties and dogs alike. They’re known for having lots of personality, but do note: they can be quite vocal, as they make  ‘chirping noises’. So if you value peace and quiet, this fur friend might reconsider that. 


Popular cat breeds

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This hairless breed might be short on fur but they’re not short on affection. Some people can be put off from owning a Sphynx because of its baldless nature, but there are few cats more loveable than this unique-looking kitty. A Sphynx loves constant attention, and chooses to spend their days pawing at their owners. Wherever you go, a Sphynx will follow. So if you have space in your home for an affectionate, energetic, inquisitive and unique-looking fur friend, a Sphynx could be the companion your four walls have been missing. 


Popular cat breeds

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Who doesn’t love a Persian cat? This fluffy cat breed is well known for their extremes of behavior. One minute these balls of fluff will be lying around lazily, not a care in the world, and the next minute they’ll be darting from one side of the room to the other and playing around in an attempt to burn off this sudden burst of energy. Their faces might not always look like they are happy, but their loving personality says otherwise. It’s most definitely a clear case of their actions speaking louder than their words. 


Popular cat breeds

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With their prominent prowl and large frame, in more recent times, a Bengal cat has gained a bit of a bad rep about being a scary feline who you should be very wary of. Just like any other domestic cat with a history of hunting, a Bengal can have a strong drive to hunt. But this shouldn’t be taken as aggression. In reality, these mini-leopards are full of love for their human pack, along with other cats and dogs. Along with a whole load of love to give, they have bucket loads of energy which they’ll need to burn off. So you’ll need to keep their mind and body active to stop them from causing any destructive behavior. 

Devon Rex

Popular cat breeds

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With their wide-eyed expression and their pointy ears, you can spot a Devon Rex from a mile off. Along with pouncing, playing and climbing, a Devon Rex’s habits are perfectly in keeping with their super playful and marvelously mischievous demeanor. But what’s really on the top of their list of hobbies? Being shown lots of love and affection from their human family. Whether it’s being right by your side, grazing against your leg or jumping up onto your lap, Devon Rexs will go to great lengths to get some TLC. 


Popular cat breeds

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The Siamese cat is one affectionate feline. You might be able to tell this breed from its distinctive narrow-faced look, along with its ability to crave attention no matter the time of the day. Of course, because of this point, this cat is better suited to those who live in a more-than-one-person household, so you can share the love around. Another brilliant characteristic about Siamese cats is that they’re hypoallergenic and are relatively easy to train. They are, however, very vocal which might not suit every home, especially if you like your peace and quiet. 


Popular cat breeds

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A Himalayan kitty is a brilliant cross between a Siamese and a Persian cat and shares many traits from both of these much-loved breeds. Just like a Persian cat, Himalayan felines can be calm and quiet and it get its affectionate nature and bucket-loads of energy from its Siamese side. Therefore, this cute and cuddly fur friend will love spending time with you and all the others in your home. Whether it’s playing with your kids, or cuddling up with you on the couch. However, it’s worth noting that this breed is best suited for quieter homes and those with older children who understand that these gentle beings are quiet souls. 

American Shorthair

Popular cat breeds

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With their tiger-like pattern on their face, and their friendly and easy-going nature, the immediately recognizable American Shorthair is a favorite among many cat parents, and for good reason. They can be pretty independent, only ever wanting attention every now and then rather than constantly and they are accepting of all humans, no matter how old or young. But small pets on the other hand might quickly become their prey. Due to their ‘working cat’ origins, these short-necked felines are powerful and tend to put their hunting skills to the test if any rodents or rabbits are around.

Domestic Shorthair

Popular cat breeds

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The Domestic Shorthair has to be the most popular and common cat breed to date as it includes pretty much the whole range of kitties who don’t fit into any specific breed. Coming in all shapes, sizes and colorings, history tells us this range of moggies have roamed the earth since at least 2000 BC. They are much-loved across the world thanks to their good-natured manners, their good health and their love for hunting and playing. So if you’re new to the cat world and unsure on where to start, a Domestic Shorthair makes for a loveable addition to any home.

Domestic Longhair

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A Domestic Longhair covers pretty much every cat who doesn’t fit into a pedigree breed. Coming in just about every shape, size and color, Domestic Longhairs differ from Domestic Shorthairs due to their longer hair. It’s believed these loveable cats descended from Iran, Turkey and Russia, where the climate is colder therefore their long hair helps to keep them warm and toasty. It goes without saying: these level-headed beauties make for brilliant pets and cute companions. Brush their coats to keep them from getting matted and they’ll be happy. 


Popular cat breeds

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Are you looking for a playful cat breed? Then look no further than an Abyssinian. This fun and affectionate kitty is a great choice for homes with older children as they’re always on the go and just as happy to play as they are to cuddle. If you’re wondering where your Abyssinian might be hiding, draw your eyes upwards as this active and curious short-haired cat will most likely be perching somewhere where they can see the rest of their cat kingdom. 


Popular cat breeds

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If you’re after a second shadow, the Birman is one of the most affectionate cats money can buy. This calm, loving and family-friendly moggie would spend the whole day cuddling if it could. When it’s not sitting, this super sociable kitty will follow you around your home wondering what you'll do next. Of course, they will play if you or your kids want to but if asked, they would rather spend their days lounging around. This laidback life chose them, after all!

Cornish Rex

Popular cat breeds

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The Cornish Rex is one clever cat. This is a breed that will entertain you with its tricks and thrives on receiving attention. Teach them new things and they’ll pick it up quickly. Adventurous by nature, this breed will get on well in families and especially in homes where there are kids or anyone bursting with energy. The Cornish Rex is often described as having the characteristics of a dog, as they will learn to play fetch with you. They may be gentle, but this confident cat likes to chat so it will need a pet parent who’s up to the task.


Popular cat breeds

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You can easily spot a Manx cat due to its lack of tail. Instead, it has a small hollow where the tail would have been. So if you fear your small child pulling the cat’s tail, you need not worry when you’ve got a Manx in your home. This affectionate and friendly breed enjoys spending time with its owners and once socialized well with children from an early age, makes for a loveable fur friend. Along with climbing, jumping and playing, the playful Manx can even play fetch with you. 

Exotic Shorthair 

Popular cat breeds

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Despite its shorter hair, an Exotic Shorthair very much resembles a Persian cat and in a range of ways. This adorable-looking kitty is famed for its super soft coat, its sweet and round face and its ability to charm all who come into contact with it. An Exotic Shorthair won’t spend all day on your lap like a Persian, but it will appreciate multiple cuddles throughout the day. Aside from that, these fur friends enjoy a slow, laidback life and it can be left to their own devices and still never get bored. 

Scottish Fold 

Popular cat breeds

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Cats come in all shapes and sizes and with its folded ears and peculiar noses, the Scottish Fold is a great example of this. Along with cuddling up with just about anyone on the couch, this breed likes to lay on the floor or sit up on its back legs, just like a meerkat. Happiest when in your company, this cat doesn’t like to be left alone for large stretches of the day as it gets bored and lonely. If you’re unable to work from home, a Scottish Fold will appreciate having another feline friend to socialize with. 


Popular cat breeds

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Always longed for a beautiful black cat? Then the Bombay cat will help make your feline dreams come true. Confident, friendly and able to get along well with most other dogs and cats, the Bombay fur friend doesn’t tend to have a dominant streak, meaning they like to be the leader of their cat kingdom. Considered to be good with strangers, this breed will most likely be found stuck to its owner’s side. So if you don’t mind your personal space being invaded, you and a Bombay cat will get along just fine. 


Popular cat breeds

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Burmillas are renowned for having a kitten-like manner no matter how old they get. They are incredibly independent but they do have a soft spot for playing with their owners. Either way, they’ll let you know when they’re ready to socialize and will purr or pester you until they get their own way. Along with being easy to train, friendly and highly intelligent, these cats will make a great addition to busy homes that have time, love and lots of attention to give to the Burmilla breed. 


Popular cat breeds

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The Tonkinese is related to the Siamese and Burmese breeds and so therefore has a need to be around people, an affectionate nature and enjoys being played with. A Tonkinese cat also has the ability to be taught new tricks. For example, they can fetch and love receiving praise once they have done so. However because of their highly social attributes, they don’t thrive when they’re left alone for long periods of time. They’ll need at least one person, or a cat cutie to keep them company. 

Russian Blue 

Popular cat breeds

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You’ll need to go to great lengths to win the heart and soul of a Russian Blue cat, but once you’ve earned their love and trust they can be super loving once they’re comfortable. These cats tend to bond very deeply with one person and are known for being experts in reading their owner’s emotions. Feeling happy? Down in the dumps? Whatever your emotions, tour Russian Blue will know about it.Always on hand to curl up and cuddle, Russian Blue kitties can be social creatures but they also value their quiet time. They will often find a cozy corner to recharge their batteries. 


Popular cat breeds

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One cat that’s guaranteed to follow you around your home is a Siberian kitty. This dog-like breed has lots of love to give and it asks for lots of love back. They are very dedicated to their owners and will do anything to get some of your time and affection — this includes grazing your legs, curling up in your lap or snuggling up to you on the couch. But one thing they won’t do is make lots of noise. They are the kind of cat to purr quietly, so much so it almost sounds musical. A Siberian fur friend is bound to get on well with most people, along with cats, dogs and other household pets. 


Popular cat breeds

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The Ragamuffin shares lots of qualities with its cat cousin, the Ragdoll. For example, a Ragamuffin has a sweet, docile and gentle nature and they love being around humans and they are friendly with kids, no matter if they’re toddlers or teens. They don’t love spending lots of time on their own however, so the busier the household the better. However, do keep an eye on these eager-to-trust and muscular-built cuties, as if they’re let outside by themselves they tend to get lost in the world around them. 

British Shorthair

Popular cat breeds

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If a laid back life is your vibe, a British Shorthair will match you on that. These much-loved and popular kitties love going with the flow and have a relaxed nature and the ability to adapt to most environments. Have other pets in your home? No problem. Got small kids? That’s no bother. These sturdily-built felines have a plush velvety coat that’s made for stroking. Lovely to look at, loyal and lovable, these curious cats are one of the best feline additions to just about any household. 


Popular cat breeds

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Striking in their appearance and playful in their nature, Somali cats are the long-haired cousins of the Abyssinian cat breed. If you’re after a cat as bright as you, Somali cats are up to the challenge. They love keeping their mind active, learning new tricks and playing new games. If you’re running out of ways to keep them busy, a puzzle feeder should do the trick. Despite their need for entertainment, they like their downtime too. Up for spending the evening on the couch? Consider your Somali cat your ultimate couch companion. Wherever you go, Somali cats will follow. 

Selkirk Rex

Popular cat breeds

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Friendly, fur-bulous and considered to be rare in some parts of the world, these feline friends love to spend time with the people they share their home with. Expect plentiful purrs, masses of meow-ing and cuddles aplenty with this curly-haired cat. They don’t cope well with being left alone for long periods of time, but as long as they have some interaction — be it with other cats or humans — and they are laid back and easygoing. They are a great choice for families and those with kids. Just remember to give them a brush to keep their curls looking fresh and free from matting. 


Popular cat breeds

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Forming strong bonds is super important for a Chartreux, but they only do so with the right individuals. This loving, loyal and highly sensitive kitty loves the company of humans as much, if not more than their urge for a peaceful environment. So quiet and calm households are the best fit for this feline. They tend to get on well with other pets, despite their reserved mannerisms and enjoy spending their days watching the big wide world go by around them. 


Popular cat breeds

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Heard of a LaPerm? These cute cats are unique to look at and for more reasons than one. Their curly coat makes them stand out from the cat crowd while their pointy ears give them an edge of difference. LaPerms have a relaxed and easy-going nature about them and love to be mentally and physically stimulated. LaPerms have a bit of a rep as being a lap cat, and wouldn’t leave your personal space if they don’t have to. This breed is ideal if you have other pets in your home, children or you want a cat who’ll show you as much love as possible. 

Japanese Bobtail

Popular cat breeds

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Once only native to Japan, the Japanese Bobtail is now found all over the world. While this breed might not be right for homes with newborns thanks to its curious nature, this loveable fur friend will be ideal for family homes with children old enough to understand when this kitty wants to play and enjoy some downtime. You might be wondering about this breed’s name and it’s all because its tail resembles that of a rabbit rather than any other cat.  

American Curl

Popular cat breeds

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How cute is the American Curl? With its big eyes, masses of fur and affectionate personality, the American Curl is one cat that can win over the masses. With their bundles of hair, they do tend to shed a little bit. But this can be kept under control by brushing their coats and keeping them knot free. These active cats tend to have a dog-like personality, preferring to be around humans more often than not. If you don’t mind having a cat follow you from room to room, you and your American Curl will be the best of fur friends. 


Popular cat breeds

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After a cat that’s considerably easy to care for? Then a Korat should be on the top of your list. Hailing from Thailand, these playful, active and super smart felines can form strong bonds with their owners. They’re known for being curious cats so they get on well with most people. However, these sociable souls don’t really like being left alone. So the busier the household the better. Or if you’ve got other pets in your home, your Korat will appreciate the company. 

Worried your feline friend isn’t happy in your home? Then it’s worth looking into the signs your cat isn't getting what it needs to be happy or consult a vet who will be able to check out any underlying physical or mental health issues. 

Becks Shepherd
Freelance Journalist

Becks is a freelance lifestyle journalist who has more than 9 years of experience in the world of digital and print journalism. She covers health, wellness and family interests for a range of titles. When she's not putting pen-to-paper (or finger-to-keyboard) she's reading, in the gym, or taking her Dog Aunt title very seriously looking after the handful of four-legged creatures in her life. 

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